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Class 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Happy New Year and welcome back to the new spring term in Year 5 at Melbury! Exciting things ahead in our learning as our Topic this terms involves the Vikings, Forests and lots of great stories that link to our learning. 

We continue to have swimming on a Wednesday afternoon, so please remember your swimming kit. We arrive back to school about 3.25pm after swimming. Thank you for your patience. 

Attached below is the class Newsletter and the Knowledge Organiser, which explains our topic in a bit more detail and has links to some interesting websites where you can extend your learning at home. 

Don't forget to go on Times Table Rockstars and Reading Eggs too. Both websites will support your learning, alongside reading lots for pleasure at home!

Can't wait for all the fun this term! Any questions or queries, please catch Mrs Corder at the end of the school day in the classroom.