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We have a school kitchen at Melbury and provide home cooked healthy balanced school meals for all our children. Food is cooked on site and as part of the Silver Food for Life award. Eggs are always free range and meat and vegetables are sourced locally wherever possible.  As our food share garden grows we will endeavour to use a proportion of the vegetables grown by the children in our school dinners.

As you will know from September 2014 all KS1 and FS children are entitled to a free school meal.  School dinners for Key Stage 2 cost £2.70 per day, £13.50 per week. You may find that you are still entitled to free school meals in KS2. If you think you may be eligible for this please fill in the form below.

The children have two choices for lunch each day which comprises of a meat and vegetarian option. The children choose which meal they would like at the beginning of the day and are given a coloured band, green or yellow to ensure they receive the meal of their choice.  Children who are late for school have no choice of meal.  If you know your child will be late for school as they have a medical appointment please inform the school office in advance so that they are not penalised and can still choose their preferred option.

We can provide a third option for lunch which is a school packed lunch, orange band. If you wish your child to have this option please write a note to the class teacher so that we know that you agree to your child not receiving a hot dinner.

If your child has specific dietary requirements please see the school office and fill in a dietary requirement form.  The school cook will endeavour to meet their needs. 

Children who  prefer to take a packed lunch can do so.  We ask that you provide a balanced and healthy  packed lunch for your child.  We do not allow fizzy drinks in school but juice or squash in the packed lunch is acceptable.  We ask that you only put in one small bar of chocolate if you wish and no sweets. Please remember your packed lunch should not contain any items with Nuts in as Melbury is a 'Nut Free Zone'.

Children who are eligible for Free school meals will receive a free school packed lunch when they go on a school visit.  If you think you may be eligible for this please fill in the form below.

Please see below to see our lunchtime dinner menus.