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Dear Parents, Carers and Children

Welcome to Melbury Primary School.

Melbury is a good school with children at the heart of everything we do. By choosing to join the Melbury community we will ensure your children  are given the best possible education with as many opportunities to enhance their lives and prepare them to be well rounded 21st century citizens as we can. We ask that you as parent/carers also support us and your children to ensure we achieve our aims. Ofsted (June 2024) reported:

‘The school is inclusive and ambitious for all. Staff ensure that calm classrooms, provide a studious climate for pupils to focus on their learning. Pupils concentrate well in lessons and achieve well. Pupils consistently meet high expectations of behaviour, they understand what being  a good friend means and are caring and respectful to each other. They are happy and safe. The school is very much at the heart of its community.’

At Melbury Primary School we have the highest expectations for all of our children in relation to their learning, progress, behaviour and attendance. By working in partnership with you we will work hard to ensure that your child aims high to achieve the very best in a safe and happy environment.

Through our enquiry based curriculum we aim to motivate and inspire children. We actively develop thinking, questioning, problem solving and creative skills alongside academic learning using both our indoor and outdoor spaces so that the children have the skills to become lifelong learners. We offer a wide variety of enrichment experiences and activities to support this both during and outside of school hours.

Melbury Primary School is at the heart of the community and we have many community partners that we work with both in and out of school. We also work hard to welcome and engage our parents and carers in all aspects of school life.

We look forward to getting to know both you and your child as they begin their journey of learning with us.

Mrs J Kemplay