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Absence/Late Procedures

Punctuality and Attendance

At Melbury Primary School we take pride in our children arriving at school on time. Being on time to school leads to a good attendance record and means children do not miss important lessons. It also builds really good habits for later in life.

It is vital that children are in school for 8.55AM. Children who arrive after that time will be considered late. Children arriving after 9:00AM, will need to go to the main office to either sign themselves in as late, or be signed in by an adult or older sibling and provide a reason. Children arriving after 9:30AM will be marked as a ‘U’ (absent for the morning).  A member of school staff will take the children to their classroom if necessary, as learning time has begun. They will have a no lunch choice instead of choosing their preferred option. Children who arrive after 9.30AM. will be given an unauthorised absence mark.

Persistent lateness will involve a letter being sent home and recorded on your child’s file.

We are aware that sometimes children are late for a reason including medical/dental appointments, if this is the case please inform the school office in advance and a lunch of choice can be arranged for your child. We would also like to see proof of this appointment so it can be logged appropriately. Whenever possible please make dental/medical appointments outside of school hours.

If your child is ill or absent, please telephone the school office before 9.30AM every day they are ill/absent, it is important that we know the reason for absences.

Absences can only be authorised for genuine illness, religious observance or exceptional family circumstances agreed by the school

Good attendance and punctuality are always encouraged at Melbury as they are vital to a child’s wellbeing at school.

If a child is persistently absent from school, we will contact you and/or refer to the Education Welfare Officer.