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Online Safety

Welcome to Melbury Primary School's
eSafety ZONE

The internet is amazing. We can play, learn, create and connect - opening up a whole world of exciting possibilities. However, we need to be eSmart and understand how to be eSafe if we are to stay safe when using technology as there are a lot of dangers and risks. By understanding how to be eSafe we can protect ourselves from any harm.

This part of the school website is packed with information about how to stay safe when using the internet and technology. It is also an area where we can show our eSafety work, teaching each other about how to use technology and the internet safely and responsibly.

Online Safety Messages

Staying Safe Online


1)      Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.
2)      Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.  Once you’ve put  a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may  be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
3)      Keep your privacy settings as high as possible.
4)      Never give out your passwords.
5)      Don’t befriend people you don’t know.
6)      Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online.  Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.
7)      Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.
8)      Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.
9)      Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.

10)    If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.

Want to learn about eSafety in a fun and interactive way? Well you've come to the right place! This part of the school website is for you to learn about important eSafety issues while playing challenging and epic games online!

Click on the links below to access the best of the internet when it comes to eSafety gaming!

CBBC – Stay Safe

Hector’s WorldTM


Safe Surfing with Doug

  • Thinkuknow
    This is the resource we use at school to help you learn about staying safe.

  • SMART Rules Games
    Here you can complete puzzles and watch videos to help learn the SMART rules. Have fun with Smartie the Penguin and Kara and Winston!